
Kamis, 15 November 2012


Information technology is a general term that describes any technology that helps people to create, modify, store, communicate and / or disseminate information. TI brings together computing and high-speed communications for data, voice, and video.
While Tourism is a journey undertaken for recreation or leisure, as well as preparations for this activity. A traveler or tourist is someone who travels at least as far as 80 km (50 miles) from his home to recreational purposes, is defined by the World Tourism Organization. A more complete definition, tourism is a service industry. They handle services ranging from transportation, hospitality services, shelter, food, beverage, and other related services such as banking, insurance, security, etc.. It also offers break, culture, escape, adventure, and new experiences and different others.
So the role of IT in tourism strongly support the development of tourism, with IT the information and communication can be done very quickly, efficiently and accurately so that tourists can get information about tourism activities that will be done as well as IT is also able reduce human error. For example, IT applications, the use of software LIBICA, as Fidelio Software Program Hotel Information System. By using the software information about a booking certainty, certainty guest account, guest information to come to the hotel, guests who are staying at the hotel and guests will leave the hotel. Information quickly, precisely and accurately will make guests satisfied and happy hospitality suite. Guest satisfaction will lead guests will come back again for a holiday in Bali and staying at the hotel. If related to the purpose of the establishment of a hotel, namely: Profit through guest satisfaction, and get a repeat business through word of mouth communication, ICT has been very vital role. These conditions also apply to other companies who act as an economic entity (managing existing resources to be entrusted to the market so as to meet the needs and wants of the market / consumers in order to reach decision market / consumer)

The development of tourism must be supported by good promotion so many people interested in coming to such sights. One way to promote tourism activity is through the Information Technology field. For example, if an object has a tourism web is dynamic, so the tourists who want a vacation would know for certain facilities and accommodation to be reliable so that the tourists feel comfortable in a vacation.

Another example of the role of information technology in the tourism sector is the provision of tourist information so that travelers who have arrived in an area does not have to worry about getting lost in the search for objects of tourism destination because there is a system of information that can guide them to find the desired object by geography and others.

Recently, the government through the Directorate General of Tourism Destination Development Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Indonesia mengagas breakthrough in governance or a tourist destination known for its destination.

Governance is a tourist destination, announced the Ministry of Culture and Tourism labeled "DMO", is a continuation of the Destination Management Organization. DMO management is implemented in 15 destinations, hereinafter referred to as clusters.

Fifteenth DMO cluster includes the Old City, Pangandaran, Lake Toba, Bunaken, Sabang, Tana Toraja, Borobudur, Rinjani, Raja Ampat, Wakatobi, Tanjung Puting, Derawan,-Kintamani Lake Batur, and the island of Komodo-Flores-Flores and Bromo- Tengger-Semeru. The concept of cluster governance is adopted from the success stories of some countries that have adopted this concept in the country. DMO in accordance with the Guidelines for the Establishment and Development book DMO (Kemenbudpar, 2010), defined as a tourism destination governance structured and synergistic functions include the coordination, planning, implementation and control of the organization in an innovative and systemic destinations through the use of networking, information and technology are guided integrated with public participation, actors / associations, industry, academia and government that has the purpose, process and common interests in order to strengthen its management quality, volume of tourist visits, length of stay and the amount of tourist spending and benefits for local communities.

If you translate that concept then there are at least four interconnected systems and intersect with each other, the destination system, governance systems, information systems, communications and technology, and marketing systems. The four matching systems revealed by the Son (2009) on the Small and Medium Business, July 2009 issue that there are four factors that determine DMO namely government, business, tourism, and information and communication technology.

Son (2009) explains that the elements that exist in the DMO will be able to run well when the function of governance that includes planning, implementation, and monitoring can be implemented. And the need for integration with each other, or commonly referred to as coordination. These functions in the development of today's technology can be brought closer to information technology. Even this concept is in accordance with the DMO concept presented by Kemenbudpar, that functions in the governance is done through the use of innovative and system networking, information and technology are integral among stakeholders.

The linkage between the DMO and ICT

Zelenka (2009) explains, the presence of information and communication technology (ICT) since the 1980's have changed the face of tourism in the world, where there has been a revolution in the distribution of tourism products, communicate with customers and business track of them, regional overview, access information, price lists, security, and alternative pathways. All of this is the impact of the presence of ICT. Meanwhile, Son (2009) mentions, the development of tourism in the application of electronics have now moved on to the paradigm management of information systems through integrated tourism Destination Management Organization (DMO). This paradigm is to consider the role and function of a tourist destination. Integrated management of the DMO conducted by government agencies, private companies, professional organizations and elements related to tourism activities. This management activities towards achieving economic development and balance regional development.

Even Chang (2003) has conducted research that produced six basic strategies in the implementation of information systems for the DMO, include: first, a source of competitive advantage is the information - so that the flow of information is the key to implementation. Anyone who provides information well and he's a complete winner. This concept can be done through e-tourism. Second, Information System is a long term investment. Value of benefits generated by these systems can only be felt if the system is set up to sustained and the information provided is continuously done up dating and involves all components of the existing tourism. Third, there are clear risks: every system must have the chance of problems, so before implementation to know what are the things that will affect the system, such as risk engineering, function, internal or external. It can be detected early, the chances of any risk. Fourth, Differentiation: unique products and services.

Information systems for marketing a portfolio of products and services offered and different from existing competitors. Fifth, the Co-alignment: aligning between the external environment, the choice of strategy, organizational structure, and performance of the financial sector. The first step of the implementation of information systems is the assessment of the external environment to identify the driving force, of change, and the introduction of values. Variables in the DMO should be optimized to interact in order to achieve marketing goals and destinations. Sixth, continuity: continuity of the direction and implementation of information systems. Without sustainability and conducted continuously difficult achievement can be realized.

ICT is one of the key competitiveness extent tourism and business around it to function properly. Even virtualization attraction contained in the website and online ordering towards the object to be issues that are currently being developed (Bojnec & Kribel, 2005).

DMO is not merely seen as a form of organization in the classical view that necessitated a form of hierarchical division of labor explicitly with lines of authority and assignment. But in line with the DMO birth in modern times, let is seen as a form of destination management organization using modern approaches as well, namely the use of networking, information and technology. There are three important components in the DMO is often expressed Presenza (2005), the coordination of stakeholders tourism, destination crisis management and destination marketing.

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